Mother’s Day Gift Guide
With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday I wanted to give a little appreciation to all the mother’s out there who do there very best to keep things afloat. And by afloat I really mean juggling all those balls in the air. The kids, the healthy meals, the me-time, that man you sleep next to at night, the exercise, the work-balance, hair-appointments (my hair is turning so grey is that just me?). It’s just exhausting and we need to congratulate ourselves for basically getting out of bed everyday and doing it all over again. I know one thing for sure, motherhood is not easy. So I am wishing you a day of relaxing, of breakfast in bed, of a million kisses from your kids and maybe one or two of these lovely gifts.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Aesop Products. *Nordstrom Favorite*
Did you know that Nordstrom has a little Pop-In Shop with all these amazing products? Really cool, plant-based products from Australia. The shampoo and conditioner are my favourite products so far… These range between $50-$60.
Mona Sultan Scarves.
Mom’s all over Vancouver are going to be so hip and cool with their new Mona Sultan bandanna. Who doesn’t love a little neck scarf? I think they look so cool paired with your favourite Equipment blouse. $75-$155
Loquet. *Nordstrom Favourite *
Anyone who has come into see me in the last few months knows that I am obsessed with these lockets. Loquet London is this uber chic jewelry company that makes lockets and charms in the highest quality. You pick your locket and then put in the initials of your children or whomever and they float around in the see-through locket. The coolest gift for mom. (price on request)
C4 Eyewear “The Grace” *Nordstrom Favourite *
Susie Wall’s collaboration with C4 eyewear put this Vancouver company on the map and at $145 for these sexy shades it’s a fail-safe gift.
Tiffany’s Over-Lap Circle Key Ring
My mom is always loosing her keys, but maybe, just maybe… if I gave her this fabulous key-chain… she might concentrate a little better on where she is putting them down. Oh I know…it’s just a matter of time before I get there too…$250
A Hat Box of Roses by Landeau.
Have you seen these gorgeous bouquets of flowers? So pretty! The chic container and beautiful roses are a very stylish combo. I know one other thing for sure, all moms love getting flowers. $179
The Dailey Method Gift Card.
See those arms in the picture below? Yes! You can actually gift your mom or your lovely wife- toned arms! It works for me and I will be (trying my best) to attempt their 30 day challenge this May. 20 classes for $200.
There is nothing wrong with gifting skin care. We all appreciate glowing skin. I have been going here the last few months and my tired skin is looking fabulous. I bet my mom would love Eva to give her a micro-dermabrasion treatment. Tell them I sent you and receive 30% off your gift card of any amount. On-line code: MH30
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