Why you should care about what you wear. #7daysofstylechallenge
So often we slip into the doldrums of wardrobe boredom. We put on our same black shirt with our same black pants and pick our most comfortable shoe. What’s wrong with being comfortable? Nothing…I guess. BUT what if we tried our very best to look amazing? What’s wrong with feeling confident, stylish and on top of your game? I realize that there are many reasons for not putting together a cool and chic outfit everyday. TIME, would be the number one excuse. It is with me. I am often trying to blow dry my hair, get Stella fed and dressed, lunch packed, drink coffee, and get out the door all at the same time. Today I wore the same old grey and black due to the fact that I was in a rush. Also some may say that they don’t have enough money to be stylish. Totally false! I think I was way more inventive when I couldn’t afford anything with a designer name. AND have you heard of Topshop?! Outfit planning is the key to success and if you spend some time in your wardrobe planning the week ahead you will benefit from the result- I guarantee it. That’s why I encourage everyone to take my 7 day challenge. For the next 7 days I will post my outfit on instagram: addisonmichelle and put the effort in. (#7daysofstylechallenge) Nominate your friends and encourage positive change!
Here are the top 4 reasons that you should put more effort into your outfit.
It will boost your confidence. When you have a great outfit on – people notice. The compliments feel good. Just ask any one of my clients and how much they appreciate looking “put together”.
You will inspire someone else to care too. It’s not about creating envy it’s about encouraging positive energy. You look good and you feel happy. Others will want what you have.
It is easier than you think. If you need to outsource and hire a stylist – then do! One hour remixing your wardrobe might give you 20 outfits that will keep you rolling for the season.
YOLO. This is the most important idea. WE ONLY LIVE ONCE. You have one lifetime to make your mark, be courageous, make fashion blunders and beautiful outfit creations. So do it. You do not want to get to your 80’s and wish you had at least tried leather pants or worn red or had any regrets. Be bold and express your personal style.
Who’s with me?
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