The 6 Most Common Fashion Mistakes.
Here we are mid-summer already and time is flying by. I hope that you are having great holidays with your families and at least enjoying the relaxing pace of summer. I know I am. Sunshine or no sunshine at least it’s holiday time.
I thought as we move into fall you may want to know a few tips on common fashion mistakes that I have learned over the years. Some mistakes I still struggle with (like wanting to wear black all the time), but on the whole I am getting much better at making better fashion choices for my wardrobe. I have learned so much from the women that I have helped in my business and we often struggle with the same issues. We all want to know what to invest in, where we can save money and which trends to avoid or try. We look to Instagram to get inspiration and then we realize that beachy waves and boho don’t go so well with kids who harass us in the morning while doing our hair and our maxi dresses don’t seem to work in our conservative office environment. We can all rejoice and know that stylists are here to help you feel your best and find the perfect outfits that works for you AND your lifestyle. So here is a little advice from time spent working with hundreds of clients.
Here are my list of mistakes that people make:
Choosing Quantity Over Quality.
I will be honest with you guys, clothes are a little more expensive now. If you would like to support fair-working wages you will just have to pay a little more. Well-made clothes last longer and look better, that is a fact. I understand that not everyone has a big budget but getting a whole car full of cheap clothes that last a few washes are costing you a lot more in the long run than buying less and choosing key pieces. If you shop seasonally with a stylist you will save money as all your pieces will go with each other, you will have complete outfits and you won’t have to panic when you have an event and nothing to wear. Yes, you may fall in love with looking great and want to buy more but I can’t be blamed for that (although I do:-). We also don’t have a lot of time on this Earth—we should look and feel good as much as possible. Clothes can play a significant part in feeling your best.
Being Afraid of Looking Too Young.
This is a touchy subject. I completely understand not wanting to be inappropriate, wearing too short of skirts, showing too much skin, wearing skin tight clothing. BUT, we don’t have to be unstylish either. Style is possible until the day we die. My grandmother wore heeled bedroom slippers till the day she died. My mom currently wears skinny jeans and no one could mistake her for a 20-year-old. She looks fantastic. Jeans play a key role in updating your style. There are reasons why we have slimmer jeans now—and it’s to do with our shoes. It’s almost impossible to find a current ankle boot to look good with a boot cut jean (cowboy boots are a whole other issue). Most women transition from working to retirement and need an overhaul of casual clothes. As we age our bodies change (another fact) and we may need to adjust the rise of our pants and want to cover our arms, but there’s still no need to shy away from being amazingly well dressed. There are “fashion” brands that have something cool for everyone and every age. I guarantee it.
Always Choosing A Tight Dress Instead of A Good Dress or Outfit.
Ahhh… the gala circuit. There are so many beautiful dresses and for some reason we still want a tight one that shows everybody that we still have it. I am not saying that I don’t wear fitted dresses to events sometimes and even own many black cocktail dresses, jumpsuits etc. They look good!! I love Roland Mouret just as much as the next lady. BUT I think that we limit ourselves from the plethora of fashion options when we are only looking for something tight and (black?). This year I would encourage everyone at least try on a dress that maybe is a little out of the box. You may end up going for the tried and true but at least you tried. Dress for the girls!!
Not Investing in A Good Handbag.
Not everyone will agree with this and that’s ok. It’s my blog. I think having a good handbag is a good thing. I bought a PS1 many years ago and literally wore it out. It was a classic black, it fitted everything including my IPad and went from dressy to casual. There is such a thing as an investment/all purpose bag. Staying away from trendy, or too detailed is the best choice when you are going with one bag. Having a great neutral and black bag is even better when going from summer to winter.
Not Wearing The Clothes You Have Bought.
My partner Mark does this all the time. He has a great wardrobe and when we go to Tofino he brings the same plaid shirt that he has had for ten years. Every picture we take he is wearing that shirt. I go through countless wardrobes with amazing UNWORN pieces and by the time I get there, sadly, they are completely dated. If you have a great wardrobe, start wearing your clothes. If you can’t find a place to wear that oversized designer sweater—wear it to yoga over your lulus. If you go out to lunch with friends—take that cool silk shirt out of the dry cleaning bag and wear it instead of your t-shirt. Nice jeans? Go down the slide! It will seem strange at first, but think about how stylish Vancouver would get? We are buying the clothes… now we just have to start wearing them.
Not Caring About Accessories.
This is my last point and it’s a good one. So often we forget about jewelry, belts, scarves all that “extra” stuff. We buy the clothes and handbags but fall short on the finishing touches. Here is the secret: your $60 dress can look like a designer piece with the right jewelry. Your wardrobe of neutral colors, blacks, greys and whites can completely transform with the addition of a scarf and a little bling. I have a great Marni necklace that I love and the cost per wear has far surpassed the expense. Many of my clients like to say that they are more subtle and don’t like anything too chunky, I get it. BUT, you can layer thin bracelets or necklaces to create a more soft look. Save some money in your budget for the additions. Accessorizing is a great place to use a stylist if you are unsure of what to add. Pinterest is a great place to find a style that you would like to try.
I am currently booking for September appointments now. If you would like to book a home consult and shopping list- I will be doing these on Mondays and Thursdays so email me for your preferred day and time.
Happy Summer!
Aubrey Arnason
12.08.2016 at 03:29Love this advice! Thanks!
Aubrey Arnason
12.08.2016 at 03:30Love this advice! Especially the accessory and hand bag tips! Thank you
Genevieve Bird
28.01.2017 at 21:52I love this advice especially about the hand bag, and accessories (expensive watches are my thing too)…now i can show Dane why I always need to spend money on a bag every year.
Thank You for your tips!