Travel Journal: Fiji

Thought I would post about my recent trip-of-a-lifetime to Fiji. It was so wonderful that I don't think I will do it justice in this blog but I will try...

Fall Trends 2016

Here we are moving right along into fall fashion. Because it's just not really summer is it? So dreary outside. I have all these cute summer outfits and mostly just want...

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

With Mother's Day coming up this Sunday I wanted to give a little appreciation to all the mother's out there who do there very best to keep things afloat. And...

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

This weekend as I hang with my family, enjoying the precious time that I have with Stella, Mark and my mom. I am reminded of the love that I have...

New Spring, Oh My!

Hope everyone's holiday was fantastic. I had a great trip to Maui. Spent the whole trip relaxing, didn't even bring my computer. I know! This is progress. Have to admit...

The Wish List Continues…

I adore jewelry. As I have gotten older I have come to appreciate the design and quality that create the pieces that take your breath away.  Which leads me to Tiffany's....

Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are quickly approaching and I have complied a list to make your shopping easier for everyone in your family. I love lists. Rarely complete them but I love...

Minimal Holiday Dressing

I thought it might be a good idea to high-light some alternative ways of dressing up, as holiday season is quickly approaching. Often I see women dressing the same at...

Skirts: The New Go-To

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I decided to buy the halloween candy far too early and celebrated Halloween by eating mini chocolate bars pretty much every night leading up...